Business Intelligence From The Ground Up

From intake to insight, creating a reporting system that meets our partner's needs.

Canine to Five has always placed great importance on having easy access to key performance indicators (KPIs) and financial metrics. In the past, they developed an executive dashboard that helped them make informed decisions and monitor operations. However, as the company grew, they realized the need for a solution that scaled accordingly.

Intero Analytics and Automation partnered with Canine to Five to build a modern business intelligence stack from the ground up. The stack would be built and maintained by Intero, but wholly owned in Canine to Five.

The project was broken down into three phases:

  1. Building pipelines from business systems into a new data warehouse.
  2. Transforming business system data into custom data models catered to Canine to Five.
  3. Standing up a self service reporting environment for Canine to Five and building out an initial set of high impact reports.
Man looking at charts on his phone and computer

Each phase was carefully scoped to Canine to Five's requirements and executed with the future in mind. The stack wouldn't just need to serve Canine to Five now, but also be able to grow with their business. Accordingly, Intero leveraged powerful, but affordable, technologies including AWS RDS, AWS Lambda, AWS EC2, dbt, and Holistics.

Canine to Five now enjoys frictionless access to their long standing KPIs. Reports load faster, numbers update more frequently, and outages are much rarer. The new self service reporting environment enables Canine to Five employees to build reports, explore trends, and conduct analyses on demand. Their data warehouse also serves as a powerful foundation for other technology initiatives, including marketing and process automation.

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